GLORY, glory, glory to you, O God,
Our fragile planet’s Creator, Redeemer
Teach us Christ’s way of using all things
In that singular freedom from all that might bind us.
Lover of souls and giver of life,
Ground of our being, call us by name.
GLORY, glory, glory to You, O Jesus,
‘Jesus’, first and last word in the story,
Your name given us for our founding
Challenge our values, our fears, our delusions
Widen our vision, deepen our prayer.
Put in our hearts your world and your people.
GLORY, glory, glory to you, O Spirit,
Spirit of God, powerful and powerless,
Give us a glimpse of this new way of being
Breathe into our thinking, our praying, our choosing.
Give us a great and new love for this Company
Imprint on our hearts the law of your love.
GLORY, glory, glory to you, O God,
Parent of parents and Friend of all friends;
Call us and take us into your care
That we may see and settle our love in You.
Great Mystery, fill us with wonder,
Come home to our hearts and dwell there.
Pia Buxton CJ
Photo credit: Nicu Buculei on Flickr