For us, sharing in the life of God means sharing in the mission of Christ. Jesus’ invitation, ‘I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full’ is offered to all people in every age and place, and so our mission is as wide as his invitation.
We seek:
- to help others to be the people God made them to be, with a particular emphasis on empowering women and young people
- to encourage and accompany people in their search for God
- to promote the justice and peace of God’s Kingdom
In all we do we seek the greater glory of God, always looking for the magis – what more we can do to serve God and others. Whether by working in schools and universities, prisons and hospitals, spirituality centres or chaplaincies, through spiritual direction, social justice work or hospitality, we want to:
- Live with passion
- Act with integrity
- Pray with desire
‘As companions of Jesus in mission, we are called to be women of hope in order to bring hope… Mary Ward calls us to be rooted in God, passionate for Christ, courageous prophets ready to take risks.’
General Congregation 2011