Today, Mary Ward’s institute exists in two branches, the Congregation of Jesus and the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto). The Congregation of Jesus is present in twenty-two countries; the sisters of the IBVM, with whom we work closely, are present in a further twenty-three. Together we have a presence on every continent.
In all these places, the mission that Mary Ward envisioned four hundred years ago continues to flourish and develop. Worldwide, our sisters are engaged in a huge variety of ministry, in equally diverse locations, from ministry among the destitute in tribal areas of north-east India, to educational work in Mongolia, care of AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe and pastoral ministry to the Catholic population in Siberia. Developing areas of ministry include work in advocacy, in the media, teaching theology in universities and working with trafficked women.

‘It is good pleasing the Friend of friends, and labouring in eternal works, and above all to be entirely and forever at our Master’s disposal.’
Mary Ward