Newly Ordained Father Henry O’Connell says Mass in the Bar Convent Chapel

Newly Ordained Father Henry O’Connell says Mass in the Bar Convent Chapel

We had the great privilege on Monday 17th August of the newly ordained Father Henry O’Connell to offer Mass in our historic Chapel.

Fr. Henry is a member of the Oratorian Congregation who are the priests in the parish of St Wilfred’s Catholic Church in York.

Fr. Henry was ordained in St Wilfred’s Church on the feast of Our Lady’s Assumption.

Recently canonised, St John Henry Newman, who brought the Oratorian Congregation to England once visited the Bar Convent.

The Convent has in its possession a letter sent from St. John Henry Newman which says:

“I recollect perfectly well about my visit to your convent in York in 1845-6.

Begging your good prayers for me.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

John H Newman

It was also lovely to have Father Henry’s mother here who had come from Ireland for his ordination and was present with him.

Our love and prayers are with Father Henry for his ministry as a priest.